Wednesday 10 August 2011

Hello and First Blog post

Hello to all beauty lovers out there!

I have decided to start my own blog after having an amazing success with my you tube channel. I absolutely love talking about beauty, trying out new products and last but not least applying make up. I am obsessed with changing my look so one day you might see me with blonde hair and another with black. I think change makes life sooo exciting. On my blog I will be doing a lot of nail tutorials, make up tutorials and product reviews including swatches. This is one of the main reasons for having a blog as well as a you tube channel as the swatches never come out right on the video. I will even try to do a few hair tutorials, because I am in love with hair tools! I really hope you will enjoy reading my blog and I will always appreciate any comments and even criticism.

Lots of Love
Kate x

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